Lush gardens and anything and everything pertaining to landscaping.

The homeowner’s driving directions could not be more simple. To discover Top of the Hill Farm, you just keep going. Down the one-lane road, past every turn-off. When you can go no farther, you...

This plant has become invasive in parts of the country. Typically, the newer dwarf varieties of the butterfly bush are sterile and not invasive. David Sherwood, Sherwood’s Forest Nursery.

Nestled within an expansive neighborhood backed by the beautiful rolling hills of Wildwood, MO, Betsy and Tom Meier’s home is tucked into a giant hillside full of mature hardwood trees that tower...

It all began with the land; a five-acre tract in Hillsboro, where Mary and Rich Patterson loved living and raising their two daughters, Sydney and Stella.
The property encompassed a...

For a BIG birthday, many women would long for some bling or a trip to an exotic locale. This Town and Country homeowner requested some rocks of a different kind. Specifically, she wanted a rocky...

The everbearing raspberry bush produces fruit from early summer until the first frost of late fall. We literally pick raspberries off this bush at least five times a week, and it provides gallons ...

When executed properly, a vanishing edge feature can, without question, create a dramatic focal point. For this reason, I think that there will always be a demand for infinity pools...

To call Janelle Criscione’s Webster Groves garden “lush” hardly does it justice. The word should at least be capitalized, if not rendered in boldface type.
Sheltered by a canopy of mature...