
The staff of St. Louis Homes + Lifestyles is committed to delivering fresh and engaging content that features cutting edge design for the luxury home enthusiast. We are always seeking out creative and talented individuals to join our team. Please check back for opportunities within our organization.

Freelance Opportunities

St. Louis Homes + Lifestyles consistently strives to include a variety of voices in our publication. If you are a talented journalist and lifestyle writer who would like to contribute to our editorial, please submit 2-4 writing samples, preferably of previously published work, along with a cover letter to Managing Editor Molly Godat, or mail to: SLHL Attn: Molly (Moe) Godat, Managing Editor, 255 Lamp and Lantern Village, Town & Country, MO 63017.

St. Louis Homes + Lifestyles invites interested photographers to contact us to set up a portfolio review. Please submit a link to your portfolio or website to Art Director, Kim Dillon,