October 2023

Articles from this Issue

Like many homes that fall victim to multiple renovations, they eventually end up losing their original architectural spirit. A series of piecemeal updates by several different owners often leads to...
As this Ladue home was being built in the mid-1960s, the current owner was a young boy. His mother drove him by the site every day on their way to school. “I was really interested in home...
They only have to step out their own back door to find themselves in a paradise. Adjacent to an upper patio, gold, silver, orange and black koi flash their iridescent colors in a water lily-accented...
Each fall, the Japanese Garden at the Missouri Botanical Garden lights up with vibrant fall colors. The diverse tree canopy creates a picturesque foliage, but another autumnal highlight is the...
One of the most recognizable fall staples, pumpkins are a versatile way to incorporate autumn into your everyday routine. With over 150 varieties of pumpkins, it’s important to know which of these...
Tommy and Tara Holstein built a mountain—complete with a waterslide and a waterfall—in the back yard of their Wentzville home. “We wanted to make our back yard as fun as possible,” Tara says. “It...
