Directions in Design, Inc.
Architect: John Peckham, AIA
The bar, designed by Directions In Design, Inc., is the epitome of a gentleman’s bar. The custom-designed...
f a local farmer grows it, Tony Marchetto will work to make something delicious from it. If, that is, the food is organic or all natural, hormone free and antibiotic free. Marchetto is the chef at...
Curtiss W. Byrne Architect
With the need for a more functional kitchen, a 200-square-foot breakfast room addition was born. Curtiss W. Byrne Architect designed the space to look and feel like a...
Directions in Design, Inc.
Architect: John Peckham, AIA
Directions In Design, Inc. turned this ordinary fireplace in to an extraordinary piece of art. The...
The Hill. Rich in history, it is as iconic as the Arch, Forest Park and Busch Stadium. Savory aromas waft from the popular restaurants and bakeries on nearly every corner. Pole banners, canopies,...
Outstanding design deserves recognition, and five sensational St. Louis design projects have been singled out for our third annual Architectural Finesse Awards. Evaluated by a distinguished panel of...