
Breathe life into your indoor space with a succulent plant. Perfect in pots, gardens or terrariums, succulents can be easy to care for if the right steps are taken. Check out local landscapers’ favorite varieties.

By Melissa Mauzy 


Mangave OR Macho Mocha

Also known as Avage X Manfreda Genus, Asparagaceae family

Information provided by David Sherwood, Sherwood's Forest


Drought-tolerant plant that requires minimal watering, once per week or when completely dry


Soil should be well-drained sandy mix

Location + Light

Requires 4-6+ hours of full to partial sun


The Mangave does not like wet feet, so plant with rocks in base of pot with good drainage or plant in an elevated garden space

Repotting Tips

Repot when roots become root bound or overgrown in pot.  Can also be planted directly into outdoor garden.  Trim back the overgrown roots and use a good cactus-type soil mix


Fertilize with an organic Espoma Cactus Fertilizer

Mangave, an improved variety of Agave, is the perfect succulent addition to your garden! Whether you're potting, transplanting, working in the garden or just moving your succulents inside for the winter, Mangave will give you less trouble than the traditional succulent. It grows twice as fast and can tolerate higher levels of moisture. Whether in the garden or container, Mangave are sure to stand out and require little maintenance making it a perfect focal plant. Thanks to their hybrid parentage, Mangave offer a wide variety of new colors and forms compared to Agave. Mangave can be combined with other succulents to create landscape plantings, hanging planters or interesting dish gardens. The uses of the Mangave are unlimited, making it a perfect member to your plant family, whether outside in the landscape, in a large focal-point porch combo pot or in a child’s bedroom planted inside their favorite animal-shaped planter. Give your Mangave, and any succulents, good light and be sure not to love it too much by over watering.