Hiring a Design Professional 101

Hiring a Design Professional 101

Turning your dream home into a reality can be quite a daunting task. Finding the right professional to help you through the process can transform your experience (in addition to your home) from overwhelming to easy. Read on for our top tips on how to find the right design professional for you. 


  1. Design Style 

When researching potential designers or architects, take a look at their past work. Many designers work with a wide range of styles but some have a particular design niche style they like to work in best. Finding someone who understands the style you want or like can help make the designing process smoother and more fun. 


  1. Give them a call 

Don't be afraid to reach out! By scheduling an informational call or consultation meeting, you can gain a better understanding of how their company works and if it will be the right fit for you and your project. These meetings also give the design professional a chance to understand what you are looking for and can better help them know if they have the right services for what you are looking for. 


  1. Consider the others

Already have an interior designer or contractors you’re working with? This can make a difference in the other design professionals you work with. Talk with your designers or contractors on who they might recommend. If they’ve worked together before, this can help the process run smoothly as they know their working styles. Some architectural firms also have in-house designers or specific contractors they work with, so looking at who else is going to be with you on the project can make a difference in your choice. 


  1. Talk to your friends

Do you know someone who recently completed a home renovation or build? Talk to them about their experience. Who did they work with, what did they like or dislike about the process, and talk about that with your designer. This helps you understand how to navigate the home-building process and helps your designer understand what you are looking for in the partnership along the way. 


  1. Check out our SourceBook!

Each year, St. Louis Homes & Lifestyles publishes our design SourceBook in the August issue, full of designers, architects, contractors, home decor stores, and other industry partners to help you find exactly what you are looking for. You can view our 2023 SourceBook Here.


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