
    Plantscape vs. Living Wall System


    Winter months can make it difficult for gardeners to flex their green thumbs. Give your interiors a boost by propagating your indoor plants to encourage new growth and add greenery to gloomy interiors.

    There are three ways to propagate a plant: cutting, dividing or using offsets (otherwise known as “pups”). Depending on the type of plant you have, certain techniques can be beneficial or harmful when it comes to sprouting new growth.

    Before you begin, some basic items to have on hand include scissors, a sharp knife, new growing pots and potting soil.


    My favorite indoor house plants are orchids, which come in hundreds of varieties and colors. Most orchids bloom twice per year with blooms that last several months. Orchids require very little care. Water slightly when almost dry. Indirect or eastern light is perfect. Mist occasionally and repot every couple of years with orchid bark-type potting soil. Good varieties include Cattleya, Dendrobium, Oncidium, Paphiopedilum, Phalaenopsis and Vanda. David Sherwood, Sherwood’s Forest Nursery. 


    Bringing greenery into your bathroom is simpler than it may seem! Here are some local landscapers' favorite plants that will thrive in your loo.





    Popularity of plants come and go as often as the essential denim. For large plant lovers, they will always be around. They are lush and easy. Succulents are the ultimate craze. Sick to death of them!David Kent Richardson, David Kent Richardson Decorations + Interior Design.

    The fiddle-leaf fig is definitely not a craze. I’ve loved these for years! I’ve had one in my dining room for a while. So classic! Diane Breckenridge Barrett, Diane Breckenridge Interiors.


