Outdoor Living Spaces & Green Thumb Tour

Outdoor Living Spaces & Green Thumb Tour

September 12, 10am-3pm

Enjoy this free tour of various garden centers and nurseries in the St. Louis area and learn how to make your landscape more beautiful and easier to maintain throughout the growing season. Attendees can begin the tour at any location. Informational lectures at each location: 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm & 3pm 
Fabulous door prizes!

*We will be observing proper social distancing practices. Masks are required. 

1. Chesterfield Valley Nursery:
16825 N. Outer 40 Road, Chesterfield, MO 63005

Topic: Fire accessories: fireplaces, fire pits, fire tables, fire bowls
Raffle: Planter/pot

2. Bauer Falls - Site Location:
805 Country Home Drive, Fenton, MO 63026

Topic: Enhancing your outdoor space with a water feature: waterfalls, koi ponds and water gardens
Raffle: Caleb Bauer of Bauer Falls will fully install a pondless water feature with a bubbling boulder waterfall. This includes a small natural stone boulder, liner, pump and gravel.

3. Castle Design - Site Location:
470 Belleview Ave., Webster, MO 63119

Topic: How to make outdoor selections that withstand the elements
Raffle: Designer pillows

4. Bauer Falls - Site Location:
2312 Leland Ridge Walk, St. Louis, MO 63131

Topic: Enhancing your outdoor space with a water feature: waterfalls, koi ponds and water gardens
Raffle: Caleb Bauer of Bauer Falls will fully install a pondless water feature with a bubbling boulder waterfall. This includes a small natural stone boulder, liner, pump and gravel.

5. Schmittel’s Nursery:
13801 Marine Avenue, Maryland Heights, MO 63043

Topic: Native plants for the homescape
Raffle: $200 gift certificate
