Designing Duo

With over 23 years combined experience at their family’s business, sisters Candice Kentch and Cassie Klutenkamper are the top designers at Closet Factory. They routinely set records and are on the cutting edge of design trends.

Edited by Moe Godat

Photography by Phil Leara


SLHL: How do each of your personal strengths complement one another?

Both: With our jobs, we spend a lot of time out in the field on job sites or visiting with customers; this means we spend a large part of our day driving around alone. To stay motivated and focused, we will call each other and talk about our projects. We are constantly encouraging and supporting one another. We really are each other’s biggest cheerleaders!


SLHL: Of the many products Closet Factory has to offer, which is your personal favorite and why?

Candice:  I like mirrored backing with LED lighting; it provides excellent visibility as well as a cutting-edge design technique.

Cassie:  I enjoy the multi-functional islands because they transform a storage space into a dressing room.


SLHL: What makes Closet Factory different from other closet systems?

Both: First and foremost, we love what we do.  We truly care about making a difference in people’s lives and helping them to become more organized. We spend as much time as needed to help our clients' organizational dreams come true!


SLHL: What makes a custom closet more luxurious than a generic one?

Both: We offer limitless options that enable each person to match the overall aesthetic to their home and provide  unique accessories to personalize their space. Who wouldn’t want a gorgeous space personally customized to start and end each day?


SLHL: Can you coordinate the color and wood choices with the style of your home?

Both: Yes, absolutely! It is so important that we stay consistent with the general style of each client’s home. We love working with our finishers to come up with matching and complementary custom looks. This custom capability complements the wide range of standard choices already available.


SLHL: What is the one custom accessory you think is a "must-have" in every closet system?

Candice: A focal point! Every closet must feature a portion that draws your attention every time you enter the space.

Cassie:  It's funny Candice should say that! This was my answer too! Great minds think alike—or—maybe it’s because she trained me years ago!


SLHL: What other products do you provide the homeowner?

Both: Don’t let our company name fool you. We don’t just do closets; we can help you with any area of the home. As working moms, we love creating mom zones, mudrooms and homework stations to help get the clutter off your kitchen island and into its own space. Everyone knows, if Mom is not organized, no one is happy!      See for resources.