Bringing greenery into your bathroom is simpler than it may seem! Here are some local landscapers' favorite plants that will thrive in your loo.
1. Anthurium, available at Sherwood’s Forest Nursery. 2. Snake Plant, available at Sugar Creek Gardens. 3. Polly Black African Shield Plant, available at Sugar Creek Gardens. 4. Pothos, available at Chesterfield Valley Nursery. 5. Watermelon Peperomia, available at Greenscape Gardens. 6. Rex Begonia, available at Bowood Farms. 7. Haworthia pentagona, available at Chesterfield Valley Nursery. 8. Birdsnest Fern, available at Maypop Coffee & Garden Shop. 9. Prayer plant, available at Sugar Creek Gardens. 10. Parlour Palm and decorative basket, available at Maypop Coffee & Garden Shop. 11. Fiddle leaf fig, available at Chesterfield Valley Nursery. 12. Orchid including pot, available at Mary Tuttle's. 13. Peperomia "Silver Frost," available at Greenscape Gardens. 14. “Trailing Burrito” Sedum burrito, available at Chesterfield Valley Nursery. 15. Birdsnest fern and fluted catchpot, available at Bowood Farms. 16. “Rattlesnake Plant” Calathea lancifolia Haworthia pentagona, available at Chesterfield Valley Nursery. 17. Spider plant and Rosa catchpot, available at Bowood Farms.