Shaw's Vision: June/July 2018

Stay up-to-date in your landscape with planning tips and events from the Missouri Botanical Garden.


June 1 – 7
Deadhead bulbs and spring flowering perennials as blossoms fade.
Thinning overloaded fruit trees will result in larger and healthier fruits at harvest time. Thinned fruits should be a hands-width apart.

June 7– 13
As soon as cucumber and squash vines start to 'run,' begin spray treatments to control cucumber beetles and squash vine borers.
Plant pumpkins now to have Jack-o-lanterns for Halloween.

June 13 – 26
When night temperatures stay above 50 degrees, bring houseplants outdoors for the summer.

July 1 – 7
Plant zinnia seed by July 4th for late bloom in annual border.
Spray hollies for leaf miner control.
Prune climbing roses and rambler roses after bloom.
Fertilize container plants every 2 weeks with a water-soluble solution.
Perennials that have finished blooming should be deadheaded.
Cut back the foliage some to encourage a tidier appearance.

July 7 – 23
Sweet corn is ripe when the silks turn brown.
Keep cukes well watered. Drought conditions will cause bitter fruit.
Harvest onions and garlic when the tops turn brown.
Apply second spray to trunks of peach trees for peach borers.

June 2, Green Living Festival
June 6, 13, 20, 27, July 4, 11, 18 and 25, Whitaker Music Festival
June 23, Metamorphasis Gala at the Butterfly House
June 27, Shaw Family Adventures: Creek Stomp
June 29 – August 26, Flora Borealis
July 24, Henry Shaw's Birthday
July 27, Shaw Family Adventures: Wilderness Wagon Ride