I don’t see this trend letting up, and I don’t see anything on the horizon to replace it. It’s clean and beautiful. Dana King, Next Project Studio.
Glass-front contemporary fireplace inserts are a popular choice and create a “wow” factor for sure. They are elegant, efficient and comfortable. They can be used just about anywhere and are easily customizable. They are usually less expensive than other fireplace options. Glass-front contemporary inserts are a great option for homeowners with pets and small children. They provide ambience as well as an efficient way to heat a space. I feel like glass-front fireplaces have so many benefits that they will remain a popular design element for a very long time. Barbara Collins, Barbara Collins Interior Design.
Contemporary fireplaces are here to stay. In modern architecture, they are a great focal point, and in traditionally-styled homes, they are a great option for less formal spaces like bedrooms and basements. Many fireplaces are very customizable, making them flexible when working with any design motif. Rick Forshaw, Jr., Forshaw of St. Louis.
Contemporary glass fireplaces and inserts are an important part of the fireplace market in that they allow for creativity and innovation. They will always have a place; however, in my opinion, they will never surpass the traditional log style fireplace design in popularity. Austin Townsend, VICTORIAN SALES.
In my opinion, it could be related to the pandemic though we have been seeing this trend for quite some time. The influx of the use of fire as a calming place to focus and center around is spiritually important for people. It provides gatherings of people a place to convene and somehow is therapeutic. I think it goes beyond just a trend, I think it is a psychological need or has a hold on people. What does this mean? Is it a tribal past of sitting around a fire having a meeting? In this age, it is not 1765 where they didn't have heaters or indoor heat outside of fireplaces. D. Scott Tjaden, Tjaden Interiors.