Give your garden a new pop of color with azaleas and rhododendrons. Vibrant and shade-tolerant, these flowering shrubs are sure to brighten up your spring garden. Take a look at our local landscapers’ favorites!
Coral Amazement
Ali Hente and Kris Kahre at Schmittel’s Nursery.
Constant moisture will promote fuller blooms.
Be sure to add organic matter.
Location + Light
Plant in partial shade where morning sun is likely.
Though needing constant moisture, must be well-drained.
Pruning Time
Wait until after it blooms to shape, but avoid pruning in the fall.
Fertilome Azalea will help provide a vibrant bloom.
Coral Amazement is one in the series of the ReBloom Azaleas. The reblooming azaleas are being sold under several brand names: Encore™, Proven Winner Bloom-A-Thon™, as well as Garden Debut ReBloom. Each of these brands blooms three times a year with an exceptional bloom length, giving your yard the perfect pop of color. The Coral Amazement’s beautiful bloom has triple petals occurring mainly in spring and fall with sporadic blooms during summer. The more established the plant becomes the better it will perform. Fertilizer, specifically Fertilome Azalea Camellia Rhododendron Fertilizer, is also recommended to ensure the optimum vibrant bloom. Azaleas are especially amazing when planted in the right location. While there are always exceptions, rule of thumb is to put azaleas in a shady spot with well-drained and slightly acidic soil. Coral Amazement has a unique color compared to most azaleas that tend to be purple, red or pink. It will also grow to be 2-2.5 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide, fitting nicely into smaller landscapes. All in all, the Coral Amazement is a highly recommended, versatile, low-maintenance, long blooming and landscape-friendly option.